Wednesday, July 16, 2014

2 Ways Your Tax Dollars are Killing You

After picking on President Obama in my recent post Why This Hobby Lobbies Religious Freedom, I want to express my intrigue and gratitude for the Michelle Obama effort to make our country healthier.  We need it.  Just look around, or look down, or perhaps you should keep your eyes on the blog.  What the Obamas are trying to accomplish is good and smart and nearly impossible.  Just look at our leaders in Congress.  Many of these leaders are fat and spending tax dollars that ebb years off of your lifespan.  Some are evidently blind too.   This congressman (R-WI) was overheard telling a woman at Washington's Reagan National Airport that First Lady Michelle Obama, "lectures us on eating right while she has a large posterior herself."
Okay dude, for one, that posterior is called a booty and Michelle has an awesome one!  Just look, George W. and Obama even agree about THAT!
Michelle is also a pear shape which has many added health benefits and longevity.  Enough on that.  The Obamas understand the need and value of being healthy.  American health care cosst have skyrocketed to 3 trillion dollars anually with 97% of that money being spent on 50% of the people. Health care reform is a must and requires us all to take responsibility in making healthy choices.  So why are your tax dollars killing you?

1.  Community Design--Most American communities are designed around the automobile.  Sidewalk and bike trails are too sparse, motivating people to drive their car versus ride their bike or walk to work. Moreover, traffic engineers base a street's "level of service" on motor vehicle facilitation, not pedestrian or biker facilitation.  According to these guidelines, pedestrians are "obstructions", slowing traffic.  Independent of our excessive body weight or physical activity, our daily amount of time sitting in a car, office, school etc is directly linked to  cardiovascular disease mortality. For more information and research on this, see my blog post:  The Deadly First World Disease You Likely Have.

2.  Healthcare Regulations-- Of our 3 trillion annual healthcare dollars, 95% of it is spent on state-of-the-art-cures, or saving people (Lifetime Physical Fitness and Wellness, 13th edition, Hoeger).  During these life and death health situations, such as cancer, people are not concerned about cost or wasteful and inefficient spending.  Congress doesn't want to touch the idea of regulating these decisions because it would require putting a monetary value on people.  Instead, the country prefers to have a reactive approach to health spending -- 1.5 Trillion annually on obesity and smoking related diseases.  I think our R-WI congressman above fits in this category...

As a person of faith, I believe we have a moral obligation to take care of ourselves and our communities.
Our light shines healthier, longer and brighter when we take care of our bodies.  Out of your love for Christ and his sacrifice, I hope you will choose to take responsibility for youself because of your value, rather than waiting for Michelle Obama to come to your school and teach you about being healthy!

In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.--Matthew 5:16 

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