Wednesday, October 8, 2014

3 Mindful Questions To Grow (And Grow Up!)

Maya Angelou once said, "Most people don't grow up. Most people age. They find parking spaces, honor their credit cards, get married, have children and call that maturity." They also are easily offended, somewhat chaotic and unnecessarily helpless might I add.

We've all had our office politics situations, been chronically late for engagements, left the kitchen a mess, neglected our health (yes, the fitness instructor notices you are not in class and neglects her health too!) and more. Despite our best efforts, how we respond in these situations reveals who we are (see my post 3 Mindful Tips: ). What we ask ourselves from these situations determines how we grow. So here are 3 Mindful Question to Grow (and Grow Up!) 

1. What is good about this? Aristotle said, "It is in our darkest moments, we must focus on the light". Some situations seem too ugly so we shut our eyes which makes us unable to focus on the light. If your finding yourself offended by a situation, it's more than likely your prejudices reacting. Instead of being offended, try taking responsibility.

2. Am I taking responsibility for my part? The world is full of injustices, they are inescapable. Taking responsibility isn't just for the guilty party but for all of us. Putting your mind and energy towards a workable solution will leave you less time to be offended and will likely bring meaning and purpose to your life. I know many social workers, doctors, teachers and police who refrain from shutting their eyes to child abuse, and diligently work to serve abused children.This is "true religion" as the Bible calls it (James 1:27). If you don't work in public service, consider donating your time and money. As my mom use to tell me, "If you don't like something, go do something about it; otherwise, quit complaining."

3. What boundaries do I need to draw? Taking responsibility for a problem can drown us, especially if we weren't the perpetrators (it's usually easier to clean up our own mess than the world's mess). Setting appropriate boundaries in our service will create the environment to give our best in service. An appropriate boundary will allow us to open our eyes while not becoming paralyzed by what we see and are doing. Even Jesus needed time away to refresh.

We are incapable of saving the world, only Jesus can do that, however, we can grow in maturity to make a positive difference in our corner of the world. Anne Frank was correct and learned at an early age, "The final forming of our character is in our own hands".

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