Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Top 5 Reasons to Try a Christian Yoga and Meditation Class

We all intuitively want to be involved with practices that benefit our lives; however, sometimes the barriers keeping us out are irrational and enormous.  Let's face it, most of America has access to information that teaches people to make healthy choices, yet we still have an enormous obesity problem (no pun intended).  Understanding the benefits are not enough, we must literally experience the benefits, and only then through discipline and consistency can we grow.  I often tell my classes that the hardest part of class is showing up.  Somehow with exercise, people feel they must be an expert on day one...but it isn't going to happen!  On day 3 or 30 it still won't happen, though you might feel more comfortable and confident then.  So here are my Top 5 Reasons to help you overcome barriers and try a Christian Yoga and Meditation Class.  I hope you enjoy and will stop in soon!

5.  When you show up, something happens.  The hardest part of class is showing up remember?  If you don't show up, nothing happens, if you do show up, you will move which heightens your energy and endorphin level.   We do transform from the inside out, so this transformation may be a while to see or feel, though some effects of a yoga class can be felt immediately.

4.  You can do more than raise your hands.  The raising of hands is a recognized method of praise in many worship traditions. How about using your entire body for Jesus? (Romans 12:1).  The expression of praise and yearning in a physical sense is heightened when the larger muscle groups are involved and you don't have to feel awkward because everyone else in class is using their entire body too.

3.  This may be the only quiet time you get.  If you are crazy busy and have young children in your life, having a moment of silence is rare.  Attending yoga class promotes a meaningful internal experience and helps you to regroup in a quiet setting.  You will think more clearly and be more productive.

2.  Christian Meditation is Awesome.   Meditation is proven to strengthen your immune system and help you cope.  Christian Meditation is even better because it helps us realize Christ within.  It can be challenging to be still, however in a group of people accustomed to meditating, you will embrace it with ease.

1.  Quit looking for God and start listening to God.  I stumbled upon Christian Yoga and Meditation and found it incredibly healing, because I was able to stop looking for God and start listening to God through the silence. Many others have found the same experience.  My faith has been spurred and I can't help but to share this with the world, so I hope you will stop in on a class sometime and transform your pain and stress into inner peace and healing through the power of faith celebrated in Christian Yoga and Meditation!

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