Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Christian Yoga in the Evolving Fitness Industry: God Is Glorified!

In 1989 I attended my first aerobics class.....ahhhhhh home!  All of those years in front of the TV exercising with the curly haired buff dude on the beach with his uniformed babes behind him didn't compare with the group energy I felt in a live class.  Though young and in shape, I remember wearing a long t-shirt, biker shorts and leg warmers with the other women in their unitards.  We all bounced around barefoot, had our post class chit-chat and went home, anxious to return next week to see the same instructor with the same routine, with the same 15 people.  I think we did that routine for a year or so.  I never bought the unitard and donned matching biker shorts, sports bra set complete with slouch socks, high tops and sweat band for the first step aerobic class I taught in 1996.  Times have changed, but some things haven't...women still love to get together to exercise and chit chat.

Throughout aerobic and group fitness history, the BEST instructors have always carefully choreographed their routines, as a dance.  Notice how the moves and music compliment each other (and of coarse notice the unitards hehe!)
The fitness industry has evolved to a different era of "cool", though some things never change, the best instructors still use pre-choreographed fitness routines in their classes.   When presentation of choreography is successfully duplicated with a marketing plan, it becomes branded programing i.e. Crossfit, Zumba, BODYPUMP, Insanity, PX90, Tae Bo, Turbokick and more.  Companies such as Les Mills International, Body Training Systems, and even Power Music are finding that providing a consistent, predesigned workout routine that is periodically refreshed with new music, moves and marketed toward a specific demographic with professional marketing materials equates to success!  Mediocre instructors who have some experience in designing and presenting workout routines, have become great instructors by allowing a team of professionals to design class and guide marketing.  Facilities have become less dependent on instructors and can safely rely on companies to program their services.  Think about it, would you trust the chick with a certification or the business who's livelihood is providing programming to define the quality of services to your customers?  Just saying...

These days, programming is designed and marketed to about every demographic i.e. senior citizens, women, overweight, athletes, you name it.  Don't like kick boxing, no problem, try weight lifting or athletic training or dancing or... if there isn't a branded program that markets to you, I promise you there will be one.  Which brings me to Christian Yoga.  The fitness industry hasn't reached out to the Christian Consumer Market.  Eighty percent of the country identifies themselves as Christians so why are we so concerned about offending people with a Christian product or program?  God is glorified within the minds an bodies of participants as well as the facilities that offer Christian Yoga!

This Saturday will start my third year of training instructors to teach Spirit of Heaven Christian Yoga classes.  Some of these instructors have practiced or taught yoga; some have only teaching experience; others are brand new, but have felt the call.  If these ladies decide to commit themselves to learning their routines and presenting the program as directed, they will find success.
So, if you are interested in having a Spirit of Heaven Christian Yoga Class in your facility, or even teaching, thank God for guiding you to me and check out my website at or contact me to discover the possibilities...!  I promise you won't find me in a unitard and this just might be your way to let your light shine and help glorify God in the evolving fitness industry.

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