Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Note to Self..."Just Breathe"

Breathing is an essential aspect of yoga and meditation, I often tell my classes it's their favorite thing to do.   How we breathe in a pose determines how deep we go, what energies are activated and well, it just feels wonderful to move and breathe.  It feels wonderful to breathe!  Whether sustaining ourselves as a living being, or having a hot mess to deal with, there are a multitude of reasons to "Just Breathe".   Breathing clears our minds, and opens our heart; breathing makes space within us helping reveal our best ideas, beliefs and deepest fears.  Listening to the subtleties of a breath tells a story of our life, a story we are often unable to put into words.  Breathing is primitive and profound altogether.  Breathing is spiritual. 

Used 350 times in the New Testament, "pneu'ma" (pnyoo'-mah), an old Greek word for breath literally refers our breath being the very Spirit of God.  Losing its combination of physical and divine nature as the Bible was translated from Greek, this word became "spirit".  Through Christ our breath becomes coeternal with God, as the Holy Spirit overtakes us.  Life giving pneu'ma gives us the power of God manifest through our breath.  Did I mention breathing is powerful?

If you're not motivated to "Just Breathe" yet, here are a few more practical reasons.

1.  Breathing oxygenates the blood and body bringing nourishment and sustaining life. 
2.  A person skilled in breathing techniques can actually passively activate every muscle tissue in the body through breath. 
2.  Breathing helps the body develop muscle tissue, making us stronger. 
3.  Breathing enhances metabolism and fuels digestion making us leaner and optimizing the nutrition in our food. 
4.  Breathing stabilizes the nervous system which makes us more calm, attentive and alert, reducing anxiety and helping the body systems communicate better (the nervous system is the link connecting body systems).
5.  Breathing releases toxins, yes, 70% of the toxins and waste in our bodies are released in the form of carbon dioxide.  Releasing toxins help reduce risks of cancer and prevents wrinkles.  Take an exhale now. 
6.  Studies have shown breathing to reduce pain.  Lamaze worked for me in the delivery room and has for millions of other women too. 
7.  Breathing improves posture and better posture produces better breathing. 
8.  Breathing strengthens the lungs which helps the body fight off respiratory issues.  Asthma has been a significant issue with my kids, it's scary to have difficulty breathing.
9.  Breathing boosts energy levels...try taking a deep breath and see if you feel more energetic.
10.  Breathing helps ease the weight of emotional issues, and if you don't believe this, make a note yourself to set aside time each day to "Just Breathe" and see how you feel...

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