Wednesday, February 5, 2014

What Gives Me Faith

After my dad suddenly died in a fatal accident nearly 5 years ago, I was left numb, praying for hope.  Having 3 young children at home, I did manage to get out of bed each day to change diapers, serve meals and drive the oldest to preschool.  I'm pretty sure my 3-year-old daughter's hair was a wreck for several months, I didn't have the energy to doll her up.  Those spring days were very long and empty filled with an unhealthy diet and apathetic workouts.  The ladies in my yoga classes were worried about me, bringing me food and gently encouraging me to eat it...I was underweight. 

We've all been there (and if you haven't you will), grieving and lost, needing something new to hope for.   The only prayer I could muster in that time was, "God, I'm very sad and I need something new to hope for."  Well aware that God had already blessed me richly with a beautiful family, home and lots friends from the gym and church, I really did feel guilty to ask.  Everyone loses their parents at some point, I had just lost one of mine earlier and in a more tragic manner right?

As a faithful and loving God would have it, new hope came.  What seemed like an eternity was really 2 months after the funeral, I became pregnant.  God answered my prayer allowing the agony in my soul to subside.  Faith was mine once again and even stronger because I experienced hope after has victory!  Moved by this defining experience, I wrote the song, "With You Child" to my new son sharing how God  answers prayers with children...with new little babies.  Children, especially this child, gives me faith.  Faith was found from a child for enslaved Israel with Moses, a transitioning kingdom with Samuel, and a lost world with Jesus.  Today this baby of mine turns 4 and in honor of his birthday I share his song, "With You Child" with you!  Enjoy!
(please allow a few seconds for the player to play)


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